A digital star

Added to the Museum of Data by Shenglin Luo on Monday, October 19, 2020. Museum of Data Collection ID: 570.

Public description: This object is the poster of the birthday ceremony of a famous star who was dead at 2003 in Hong Kong. This ceremony was hold in a live house, with three LED screens displaying a special concert edited by a fans group of this famous star. In this ceremony, fans watched the concert "hold by this star", imaging that they were watching the real man standing in front of them. The visual and acoustic effects mimic not only a place which restored the concert itself, but an environment of a ceremonial ground. On this ground, people felt and cried in a virtual discourse, created by a vast of accumulation of the data of this star. On the poster, the words "salute", "will you remember me" imply the emotion, and "multimedia concert " shows the form of feeling this emotion. Yet, as to the photo which was taken when he was still alive, we cannot find the author of this photo. It seems that it has become to a public stuff that everyone can take it and use it. However, undoubtedly, the poster and the video of the concert belong to the group since they reedited it, although the data they used can be found everywhere on Internet.

Materials used: It is a poster made by a photo of the star and edited words.

Credit: It made by the fans group of this star. We cannot find the author of the photo used on the poster. However, undoubtedly, the poster and the video of the concert belong to the group since they reedited it.

Size: It has no specific size. It made by computer and could be printed in any size we choose.

Creation date: 2020/08/06 00:00:00

Tags: 11

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