A walk around a digital museum in Animal Crossing

Added to the Museum of Data by Jessica Reid on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Museum of Data Collection ID: 1072.
Public description: This is a video of a walk around a museum within the popular game Animal Crossing created by YouTuber MonkeyKingHero. It shows various paintings and statues such as the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo's David and some Terracotta Warriors held within an Animal Crossing: New Horizons museum. Object can be collected when a character called Redd visits your island within the game and exchanging items for 'bells', the in-game currency. This is an interested piece in discussing digital materiality as these objects are in a 'museum' context but which is entirely online. It also brings forth questions such as "Where is art?" because we are able to view these artworks without having to see them in the real world. These objects are in museums all around the world and yet are all collected in the same digital space here in Animal Crossing. They can be viewed in the space just like in a museum in the 'real world' and yet this museum exists entirely in the online world. It is therefore an interesting meditation on where objects and museums are in space-time and how they are viewed in different contexts.
Materials used: Software to create the objects and game; metals and plastic to create a Nintendo controller; LED lights for the display;
Credit: The credit for this object is interesting to pin-point. MonkeyKingHero made the video and uploaded it so the ownership of the video itself lies with them. However, it was made using Animal Crossing software so should some credit be supplied to them. Equally, many paintings and statues represented in the game are owned so should any credit be given to them, or because they are only digital representations of the art does that give sole credit to Nintendo for creating them within the game in their likeness?
Size: This is a roughly 2 minute video. Therefore, to watch the video in the YouTube recommended 720p quality which is a 1280x720 pixels so the number of pixels per frame is 921,600. If we assume the video was rendered with 60fpm and the video is 2 minutes that means the video has about 72000 frames. The number of frames times the number of pixels per frame gives us 6,635,520,000 bytes which makes 6.63552 Gigabytes as the rough size of the video.
Creation date: 2020/04/24 00:00:00
External link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nWg4mjpjFc
Tags: 8, 11, 9