Digital fitting rooms of Mango

Added to the Museum of Data by Yuren Wang on Monday, November 1, 2021. Museum of Data Collection ID: 681.

Public description: Mango launches digital fitting rooms in some of stores, creating an “Internet of Things mirror” in partnership with Vodafone and Jogotech. In Mango's digital fitting rooms, associates scan the barcodes of clothing that consumers bring . Then, the RFID technology on the smart mirrors inside each fitting room allows consumers to recognize and find more information of each product in the stores, including sizes, colors additional items and etc. Consumers can also contact Mango floor staff for different items that they would like to try on. Previously fitting room associates have to stay around the fitting room retrieve different sizes or colors that consumers need. As Mango's director mentioned, It is like a blackhole for employee. Digital fitting rooms promote consumers' engagement in Mango's store and help Mango drive the interactions and conversions between consumers and staff by a more efficient and smoother way.

Materials used: algorithms, electronic displays, conventional mirrors, tracking systems, vision systems

Credit: The fitting rooms designed by Mango and developed by Vodafone in collaboration with Spanish smart system and JogoTech.

Copyright: Mango, Vodafone, Jogotech

Size: larger than normal fitting rooms, around 8 sq.m. x 6 sq.m.

Creation date: 2020/10/16 00:00:00

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