‘Interactive Documentary’: Jheronimus Bosch, the Garden of Earthly Delights

Added to the Museum of Data by Zachary Cannon on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Museum of Data Collection ID: 1203.
Public description: A website hosting an interactive documentary detailing Jheronimus Bosch's painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights", created between 1490 and 1510. The user may follow a 'Highlight Tour' wherein a voice narrates aspects of the painting and provides historical and theological context. The tour is self-paced and the user must advance through it manually. Between narrations, a 'soundscape' is played consisting of ambient, 'natural' sounds, choral music, and mystical strings. The user can also 'freely explore' by zooming in and out and panning anywhere on the painting which, after a short delay, will render greater and greater resolution upon the 'closeness' of the user's view. The detail on closest view is incredibly fine and would otherwise only be possible 'in-person' with a microscope.
Materials used: HTML webpage created using the JavaScript programming language, Jheronimus Bosch's painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights", high-resolution scan/image of aforementioned painting, audio files,
Credit: Jheronimus Bosch "Coproduction: Pieter van Huystee Film, NTR Commissioning editor: Oscar van der Kroon, Liesbeth van de Kar Director: Pieter van Huijstee Concept: Pieter van Huijstee en Ingrid Walschots Projectmanager: Ingrid Walschots Research & text: Liz Dautzenberg, Daan Veldhuizen Executive producer: Zoƫ de Wilde Editorial: Nienke Rispens Financial controller: Lotte Gerding Text Extra stories: Nina Juffermans Text Children Tour: Jenny Hasenack Projectmanager Q42: Tim Logtenberg, Silvy van Houdt Technique Frontend Q42: Marcel Duin Technique CMS Q42: Michiel Post Sound-scape: Mark Glynne, Selle Sellink Music: Paul M. van Brugge DFC Voice Over Dutch: Midas Dekkers Voice Over English: Redmond O'Hanlon Voice Over Children Tour: Nienke de La Rive Box Interaction design Fabrique: Nils Mengedoht Production Support NTR: Astrid Prickaerts, Marnieke Klarus, Stephanie de Beer Publicity: Iris Droog Social media: Marieke Hollander, Diede Velduizen Editor voice-over: Tim Wijbenga, Mark Meeuwis Technical Support NTR: Maurice de Vries, Frans Hossenbukx Datahandling The Fixer: Watse Eisma Coordinator programming non-linear NPO 2: Dylan van Rijsbergen This production is made possible with the support of NPO2, Fonds21"
Language: English and Dutch text/audio, JavaScript programming language
Size: The object's size changes depending on the screen with which it is viewed.
Creation date: 2016/04/12 00:00:00
Other date: 1510/11/09 00:00:00
Alternate identifiers: 'Original' painting inventory number within the Museo Del Prado, Madrid, Spain: P002823
External link: https://archief.ntr.nl/tuinderlusten/en.html
Tags: 8, 14, 10